

One of the World's Rarest Animals May Be on the Verge of Extinction

00:05, Thursday, 05 January, 2017
One of the World's Rarest Animals May Be on the Verge of Extinction
     In the last few years, many animal species have been on the verge of extinction. From polar bears to red wolves these animals are on the endangered species lists. Another animal is going to join that list, unfortunately. Cheetahs are the animals that might go extinct in the next few years.

A new report shows that the fastest animals on the planet, cheetahs are going to be categorized as endangered because there are only 7,000 left of them. One of the reasons for which these animals might go extinct is the fact that they tend to go to areas where they are not protected and they are killed by people.

The study mentioned that more than half of the remaining cheetahs are part of one population in Africa. The report also showed that in Asia there are left only 50 individuals in Iran. This is concerning news for these animals and for people too.

The fact that people have been developing the areas where these animals used to live and hunt for prey makes it even harder for cheetahs to survive. In the last 16 year from 1,200 animals now are left only 170 animals. This species has been affected by the developments made by the mankind.

The researchers who completed this study mentioned that the lives of these animals have been ignored for too long. This is why cheetahs are going to go extinct; due to the fact that nobody takes action in order to save them. The researchers also mentioned that, in order for a cheetah to survive the animal needs a lot of space. This is because they need to hunt and they also tend to run around from place to place.

Another problem for these animals is that people are illegally trafficking the cubs. A young cheetah can be worth up to $10,000. More than 1,000 cubs have been trafficked from Africa in the last decade but more than 80% of them died before being sold.

The researchers who conducted this study mentioned that in order to save these animals they need to be categorized as endangered animals instead of vulnerable as they are now. Once they are endangered they will receive more help and maybe there is a chance for them to survive.

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