

Scientists have proven the benefits of polygamy for women

00:03, Wednesday, 28 October, 2015
Scientists have proven the benefits of polygamy for women

Contrary to many studies reporting the harmfulness of polygamy for women and their children (they grow up in poverty and more frequent illnesses), American and British anthropologists have discovered that polygamy is actually beneficial for women. A new study presented in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Polygamy (polygyny) were met in 80 percent of ancient societies, but is now preserved mainly in Africa South of the Sahara. Scientists agree that men like this marriage is useful: they have more offspring than monogamous men. To answer the question about the benefits and harms of polygamy to women, American anthropologists have compared the socio-economic situation of families (monogamous and polygamous) in 56 villages in Northern Tanzania.

Compiled data, the researchers first saw predicted by other authors picture: polygamy is associated with low food security (hunger) and poor health of children. However, this pattern can be explained by the fact that polygamy is more common in poor (for other reasons) villages located in ecologically unfavorable areas.

If we compare monogamous and polygamous families in the same villages, secondly food was great and the children are healthier. In addition, polygamous families were wealthier cattle and treated more arable land.

The findings are consistent with theoretical models according to which polygamy serves the strategic interests of women (in a society where they are financially dependent on men and not earn yourself). The authors noted that the ban on polygamy may harm women — especially in areas where a high level of inequality among men. Such a ban would limit women's choice in marriage partner.

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