

Newly Discovered Moth Species Named for President-Elect Trump

11:20, Wednesday, 18 January, 2017
Newly Discovered Moth Species Named for President-Elect Trump

Days before Donald Trump takes the oath of office as the 45th President of the United States, a newly-discovered species of moth has been named in his honor.

The moth, called Neopalpa donaldtrumpi, is primarily found throughout Southern California and the Baja California area of Mexico.

It stands out with yellowish-white scales on the heads of adult moths and a blond "hairstyle" that Dr. Vazrick Nazari says inspired the name.

Dr. Nazari says in the most recent issue of open access journal ZooKeys that he hopes the name of the moth will help bring attention to the need of continued conservation efforts for fragile species.

"By naming this species after the 45th President of the United States, I hope to bring some public attention to, and interest in, the importance of alpha-taxonomy in better understanding the neglected micro-fauna component of the North American biodiversity," said Nazari.

Newly Discovered Moth Species Named for President-Elect Trump
Newly Discovered Moth Species Named for President-Elect Trump
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