

This Vegetable Can Be Very Poisonous! You Should Never Do This If You Eat It

20:05, Friday, 10 June, 2016
This Vegetable Can Be Very Poisonous! You Should Never Do This If You Eat It

Spinach was Popeye’s favorite food, making him strong and indestructible. Even though in reality this won’t happen, spinach is still very nutritious and healthy and we all need to incorporate it in our diet.

pinach is rich in numerous minerals and vitamins including iron, folic acid, potassium vitamins A, B, C, E and manganese.

It’s an excellent choice when it comes to prevention from a large number of diseases thanks to the high levels of zeaxanthin and lutein, which is why it should be regularly consumed.

But, you should never reheat spinach, since it contains nitrates, which turn into nitrosamines under high heat. Nitrosamines are dangerous and carcinogenic.

If you didn’t know, remember this and never reheat spinach. Always consume it fresh and even if you decide to eat it the following day eat it cold.

Spinach is a very nutritious and healthy vegetable, but you need to be careful not to reheat it again.

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