

Japanese Live Streamer Guy Accidentally Burns His House Down As He Fails To Fight Flames

12:33, Monday, 05 October, 2015
Japanese Live Streamer Guy Accidentally Burns His House Down As He Fails To Fight Flames

This is exactly how not to put out a fire.

‘Daasuke’, a Japanese live streamer, is shown here playing with a trick lighter he purchased.

The lighter, which probably shouldn’t be bought by anyone, looks like a terrible product, spilling lighter fluid as he tries to strike it.

The carnage is swift, and the actions of the guy so bad that we could really title this ‘Japanese Live Streamer Shows You The Most Effective Way To Start and Fan A Fire’.

Highlights include trying to pat the fire gently with cardboard boxes, using a mattress to stamp the fire out, filling tiny cups with water that do nothing, not having a fire extinguisher on hand, and a general complete lack of urgency.

You can also hear text to voice notifications from Japanese people trying to help, which roughly translated, range from “Behind you. Behind you! Look behind you!”, “Where did he go? Is he coming back?”, “If you don’t smother it it’s not going to go out” to “Call 119 … Why did this even happen??” (119 is Japanese 000 or 911)

Fire is no joke, people! Fire Protection agencies say that that most times if a fire is put out in six minutes a building or residence can be usually be saved. If a fire burns for eight minutes or more, it will be lost.

This is a video of outside the house taken by an onlooker. You can see just how quickly the whole thing escalates.

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