

"Direct Line - 2015" today Vladimir Putin will once again answer the questions of Russians

13:00, Thursday, 16 April, 2015
"Direct Line - 2015" today Vladimir Putin will once again answer the questions of Russians

With President Putin’s annual Q&A session scheduled for Thursday, RT recalls the most memorable moments from the previous sessions, including examples of sometimes-crude humor and rare insights into the business of leading Russia.

Vladimir Putin is holding his 13th question-and-answer marathon. Similar televised sessions, which are roughly a Russian equivalent of a state of the union address in the US in terms of purpose, but with a degree of interaction, have been held since 2001 almost annually.

The shows understandably focus on domestic affairs, with Putin reporting on government successes and acknowledging problems. But occasionally his comments touch upon Russia’s international stance, Putin’s personal life or even philosophical issues.

With the longest program so far lasting an exhausting 4 hours 47 minutes, they also give plenty of room for Putin’s famous humor - sometimes crude, but involving lots of memorable wordplay.

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