

UK's first husband and wife team of bishops announced by Church of England

16:37, Sunday, 29 March, 2015
UK's first husband and wife team of bishops announced by Church of England

The UK's first husband and wife team of bishops has been created with the appointment of a new Bishop of Hull.

The Rev Canon Alison White, 58, is to become the Church of England’s second female bishop, but the role will mean she will see far less of her husband of 30 years, the Right Rev Frank White, who is the assistant Bishop of Newcastle.

The couple, who currently live in Riding Mill, Northumberland, are to relocate to Hull. But as a result, the Rt Revd White faces a 150-mile commute to Newcastle, forcing him to stay there several nights a week.

Rev Canon White acknowledged that she and her husband had given careful consideration to the job, given his own role and the hectic schedule that will ensue.

But said she hoped her appointment was the next step to making woman bishops an everyday part of Church life.

In a message posted online, she wrote: "You may have noticed that I am married to a Bishop. This may seem excessive!

"You would think that one in a family is more than enough. Believe me, this has crossed our minds.

"Actually, I am married to Frank and that is gift. Both our lives have been made rich by this vocation to marriage which we have been working on together with joy for over thirty years.”

The Rev Libby Lane became the Church of England's first female bishop when she was consecrated as the eighth Bishop of Stockport in January.

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