

Russian woman 40 years later noticed the loss of her husband

21:05, Tuesday, 06 February, 2018
Russian woman 40 years later noticed the loss of her husband

A resident of the city of Priozersk in the Leningrad region were asked to declare in search of her husband, who 42 years ago left home and never returned. This writes 47news.ru Tuesday, 6 Feb.

The man left after a dispute in 1975, when the family lived in one of villages of the Penza region. The policeman who took the statement, asked the 78-year-old pensioner to report signs of missing, but she couldn’t remember, looked like the spouse.

In December 2017 was reported to be a resident of Chechnya, which found missing during the first Chechen war, in Dagestan, the daughter of a psychoneurological boarding school. The girl was evacuated without papers in 1995 and delivered in one of the social centers. Her mother had been looking for for twenty years.

At the end of October the guards spotted a resident of the Kuban, which had been missing almost 16 years. In November 2001, the 46-year-old woman fell from her home on the farm Red Hearth. It was found, when it came to retirement. The investigator she explained that she had left home and family because of abuse and humiliation by her husband.

Source: life.ru
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