

Hyper realistic portraits that'll surely amaze you!

00:10, Monday, 29 January, 2018
Hyper realistic portraits that'll surely amaze you!

In a tattoo world full of talent and insane skills, the are some that are just a step above the rest. Karol Rybakowski is definitely one of those who are up that ladder.

Portrait tattoos are, of course, one of the most popular tattoos that collectors get. Simply because, visually, they look super amazing, especially when done right. And as the saying goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words" especially if it was an image of someone who really means a lot to you.

Karol Rybakowski is an amazing tattooer that does really amazing portrait tattoos. The application is just really smooth and soulful. The look of the tattoos by Karol Rybakowski is different from others I have seen. The attention to detail and the way Rybakowski makes the portraits look so alive as if they're breathing at you.

Check out these awesome portrait tattoos by Karol Rybakowski and get your mind blown.

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