

Netanyahu calls for the liquidation of the UN agency for assistance to Palestine refugees

11:30, Tuesday, 09 January, 2018
Netanyahu calls for the liquidation of the UN agency for assistance to Palestine refugees

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proposed the liquidation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and redirected its funding to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
     This initiative was put forward by the Prime Minister on Sunday, speaking to the ministers at the beginning of the weekly government meeting.

“UNRWA is an organization that contributes to the preservation of the problem of Palestinian refugees and the maintenance of the myth of their” right to return “, with the goal of eliminating the State of Israel, so UNRWA must disappear,” said Netanyahu. “This body [UNRWA] was established 70 years ago exclusively for Palestine refugees, while there is a UN office for resolving the problems of all other refugees in the world, and this, of course, creates a situation where UNRWA is engaged in the great-grandchildren of [Palestinian] refugees who are refugees and are not.” “This absurdity must be stopped,” the prime minister’s statement quotes his office.

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