

Teenagers addicted to their smartphones suffer from high levels of anxiety, depression, insomnia and impulsiveness

23:10, Saturday, 09 December, 2017
Teenagers addicted to their smartphones suffer from high levels of anxiety, depression, insomnia and impulsiveness

Teenage smartphone addicts suffer from imbalances in brain chemistry that can cause anxiety, say researchers.
     They had higher levels of neurotransmitter GABA, which helps to control over-excitement.Having too much of this can result in a number of side-effects including drowsiness and anxiety.
     The study tested nineteen 15-year-olds with internet or smartphone-use problems and 19 healthy kids.
     Researchers used standardised internet and smartphone addiction tests to measure the severity of internet addiction.
     The South Korean docs then used MRS, a scan that measures the brain’s chemicals, to see how addiction affected routines, social life, sleeping, productivity and feelings.

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