

The US state Department has approved the supply of Javelin anti-tank systems to Georgia

14:05, Tuesday, 21 November, 2017
The US state Department has approved the supply of Javelin anti-tank systems to Georgia

The U.S. Department of state approved the document providing for the delivery of lethal weapons to georgia. We are talking about the possibility of selling anti-tank missile javelin in the amount of $ 75 million. This was reported in the us media citing officials in the us state department and the Pentagon. Previously, georgia had requested shipments from the United States more than 400 javelin anti-tank systems.
     In addition, the option contract provided for the training of personnel of the georgian armed forces on the use of us anti-tank. Considering that the price of one javelin atgm is currently about 250 thousand us dollars, it is possible to say that the us sent to georgia less complexes than was requested by georgia. Either we are talking about "used" systems. At the Pentagon claim that the future delivery of atra georgian army will allow it not only to better prepare the material and technical base to NATO standards, but also increase the possibility of defence of georgia.

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