

Cowardly spectacled bear became famous on YouTube

17:05, Sunday, 26 February, 2017
Cowardly spectacled bear became famous on YouTube

Refused to cross the river spectacled bear became the star network. The video was published on 21 February on the YouTube channel of the Corporacion Autonoma Regional de Cundinamarca (this is the account of the Colombian government Agency for the conservation of nature).

In the video, which for four days has garnered more than 199 thousand views, bear with her cub is starting to cross a small river, but the child, frightened by the rushing torrents, returns to the coast.

In the end, mother naughty bear grabs him by the ear and pulls in back into the water.

As noted in the article National news service (NSN), the spectacled bear is included in the red book of the International Union for conservation of nature (IUCN). Total world population of about twenty thousand individuals.

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