

Obir Dripstone Caves

20:10, Thursday, 10 March, 2016
Obir Dripstone Caves

The Obir Dripstone Caves are located within the market community of Eisenkappel-Vellach, within the Hochobir Massif and on the Unterschärffler-Alpe, a once flourishing mining operation.

Fascinating Journey through Time
     Embark on a journey back through time. Millions of years back into the past. The incomparable mix of nature and mankind, the symbiosis of 200 million years of history and modern technology, fascinating people now more than ever before.
     Deep Reverence
     The caves were discovered in 1870 by miners in search of lead and zinc. By following the galleries which Nature had herself created, they were able to penetrate faster and deeper into the mountain. Today, a subterranean world reveals itself to visitors, one in which carefully placed lights illumine the otherwise total darkness. You stand reverently before what those miners were the first to see. The daily lives of these people becomes tangible, real, as you make your way through the caves.

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