

'Miracle baby' rescued from rubble of Nepal earthquake after 22 hours

16:06, Friday, 01 May, 2015
'Miracle baby' rescued from rubble of Nepal earthquake after 22 hours

The mum of the miracle baby pulled alive from the Nepal earthquake rubble has spoken of her relief saying: "I was certain he was dead"

Tearful Rasmila Aawal, 35, was tracked down by the Daily Mirror today and revealed five-month-old son Sonies is alive and well.

She told us his rescue after 22 hours under the wreckage was "a miracle".

"I am just so happy. I cannot believe it," she said as she cuddled her son by the remains of her family's ruined house in Muldhoka.

Husband Shyam Aawal, 34, said "I am the happiest man in the world".

Shyan, a truck driver, desperately clawed at the rubble with his bare hands to save his son.

But he was unsuccessful and had to wait for the army to arrive the next day.

Rasmila said: "I had gone shopping and left my ten year old daughter Sonia with the baby.

"When the quake happened I burst into tears and ran home. I thought they were both dead."

But Sonia had got out.

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