

At the end of August, the Sun will be completely hidden by the Moon

14:40, Monday, 15 May, 2017
At the end of August, the Sun will be completely hidden by the Moon

At the end of August, the Sun will be completely hidden by the Moon. Astronomers predict that a total solar eclipse will occur on August 21. To see a rare natural phenomenon will be residents of the western hemisphere, in particular – the population of America. Therefore, even now the phenomenon has received a memorable name.

According to scientists, during the “Great American eclipse” it will be possible to observe two types of shadows. The first characterizes a small shadow, thanks to which eyewitnesses can observe a total solar eclipse. This type is called “umbrell”. The second type contributes to the partial observation of the natural phenomenon and is called the penumbra.

Recall, previously residents of the Earth could observe another kind of eclipse. Astronomers reported a ring solar eclipse. On February 26, the shadow of the moon “crossed” with the surface of the Earth, because of which the surface of the sun was covered by 99% – only the “fringe” of the daylight remained available.

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