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Open Doors Day at VivaCell-MTS

15:25, Wednesday, 09 November, 2016
Open Doors Day at VivaCell-MTS
     Yet another Open Doors day was organized at VivaCell-MTS. This time it hosted 30 students of the Services department at the School of Geography and Geology, Yerevan State University. The students’ meeting with the General Manager of VivaCell-MTS was organized upon the initiative of the university as the students expressed willingness to familiarize with the Company’s activities, culture of corporate management, as well as the specifics of structural and quality management. “VivaCell-MTS is a servicing company in as much as it is an ICT company. Company can have the best operational systems including cutting-edge technology, infrastructure, productivity, human resources, the best competence, and yet lag behind in terms of customer care. Customer care is a sort of applied science in nowadays world. It’s a key driver of competitive advantage. The principles of customer care are almost the same for different spheres, and VivaCell-MTS is ready to share its knowledge with you, the future key responsible for developing tourism in Armenia and making the country one of the centers of natural and cultural sight-seeing internationally,” said VivaCell-MTS General Manager Ralph Yirikian.
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